How to write a proper .ini file =============================== Introduction ------------ As many people don't seem to know, how to generate custom .ini files, I'll try to explain the process a bit by the example of SMS gateway. Hopefully you'll then understand the basics and will be able to write your own .ini files. Getting started - How to use Proxomitron ---------------------------------------- First of all you need to know what your browser is doing while you are using your SMS-gateway. As most browser don't have a feature to log their transactions with the webserver, we need to have a program that is between the browser and the target host. This thing is called a "Proxy". So we have to install a local Proxy server that is able to log your transactions. I decided to use Proxomitron, as it's easy to install and configure. So, first of all download Proxomitron from After downloading, extract the files contained in the archive to a local directory (no need to install anything into your Windows\System32 folder, that's another thing I loke about Proxomitron). Now start Proxomitron.exe Next thing to do is to find out, wether you need to have a remote-proxy where the data is passed through. If you are behind a company's Firewall, you may be required to use a proxy. Please check the Internet connection settings of your Browser and look if there is a proxy entry. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- If so, write down Proxy hostname and Port, click on "Proxy" in Proxomitron and enter your.proxy.hopstname:Port, for example Click on "Test" and see if it is able to connect. You may get a "HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden" - never mind, it's working anyways. Now tick [X] Use Remote Proxy in Proxomitron. If everything is fine, click OK and we've configured your remote-Proxy -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now you have to replace the Proxy-entry in your web-browser with: Host: localhost Port: 8080 Try to surf around a bit with your browser and see, if it's still working. If not, you did something wrong. Just restore your old browser settings and try again,until you get it working, otherwise you won't be able to continue. Next step is to start logging your communication. To do this, Click "Log Window" in PRoxomitron. You get a blak window where your communication will be logged. Now we have to configure it properly: Click on "Edit" and check the following Entries: * View Posted data * HTTP headers Ok, log is set up now. Now we can start exploring the SMS-gateway in the next step Exploring the gateway --------------------- In this example, we will explore the SMS-gateway. So type in your browser's URL-bar and we get to the starting page. We click on " Starten" and see " Community" on the right. So here we have to login. If you haven't done so far, sign up for a new account. We have 10 free SMS available per month. If you look at your log file now, you see that there is quite a lot of stuff in there, so we do a log-Reset (Click on Edit/Reset) and have a blank log again. Now we log in using our username and password. No we're logged in and see "SMS & E-MAIL" on the right. We click there and see "SMS senden" in the submenu. We click on it and are at the SMS sending-Form. Now it's time to start creating the new .ini file. We open our preferred editor (Notepad for example) and start writing the following lines: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Gateway] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We know that the gateway is, so it gets this name. Now we look at the SMS-sending form and see that there are 143 characters left. So we add the following line in our Editore: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MaxChars=143 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We also know that this Gateway requires a login, so we add our Username and password to the .ini: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Username=YourUserName Password=YourPassword -------------------------------------------------------------------------- of course, enter your username and password in the example above. Now look on the SMS-form from again. click on the "GSM-Netz" list and see which gateways are supported. Then write down the list of gateways to your .ini file. It's important to write down the Prefix of the Provider including the country code. So if there is a leading Zero in the list, replace it by the country code. For example in this gateway you have: 0664 --> This will become 43664 Use the format: Prefix;Name So in our example, write: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prefix1=43676;T-Mobile Prefix2=43664;A1 Prefix3=43699;One Prefix4=43650;tele.ring Prefix5=43660;Drei -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now send a SMS-message to your cellphone You see a message, that your SMS was successfullly sent. At this is: "Nachricht wurde gesendet." so "wurde gesendet" is only whoen if sending the SMS was successful. Therefore write the following entry to your file: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Success=wurde gesendet -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now go to your log window and Click Edit/Pause so that any further Requests are not logged, as we don't need them any longer. Now we can start to explore the log: Exploring your logfile ---------------------- You see that every Request to the server is numbered and that there is a Response to every Request. The Request is Green, the Reply is yellow. So we first have to find the first POST-Request where we log in to our gateway: +++GET 962+++ POST /start.cfm HTTP/1.0 Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/, application/, application/msword, */* Referer: Accept-Language: de-at Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) Host: Content-Length: 25 Pragma: no-cache Connection: keep-alive +++GET 963+++ GET /S154419/button6.asp?tagver=6&si=154419&offset=100&fw=1&server=&order=&Group=&invoice=&cartview=&cartadd=&cartremove=&checkout=&cartbuy=&adcampaign=&tz=-60&ch=9&cl=51A9n5G5&ti=Community&url=http%3A// HTTP/1.0 Accept: */* Referer: Accept-Language: de-at User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) Host: Cookie: WEBTRENDS_ID=; wtl154419=7&51A9J0G5& Connection: keep-alive Browser reload detected... Posting 25 bytes... nick=YourUserName password=YourPassword So as you can see, that your login data is posted to /start.cfm on the host The get that you see before the Postdata is just a get to a webtracker that counts visits, so we can ignore it. As there is no Cookie posted to the login server (indicated by a line starting with "Cookie:"), we can ignore all requests before this point, there doesn't seem to be a check for session cookies by the login-page. The referer is It's always a good idea to supply the Referer, you never know if it is checked by the server to find out wether your request is valid or not. So let's form our first Request to the server: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Request1] ; Get cftoken and cfid Type=POST URL= Referer=$User&password=$Pass PostString=nick=$User&password=$Pass -------------------------------------------------------------------------- $User and $Pass are tokens. They are replaced by your username and Password by the plugin. Note the format of a PostString: The entries are all seperated by & characters. Now we continue looking at the log. The next requests we see are: +++GET 964+++ GET /modules/login/hidden_login.cfm?cfid=3883288&cftoken=95259904&nick=YourUserName&password=YourPassword HTTP/1.0 Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/, application/, application/msword, */* Referer: Accept-Language: de-at User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) Host: Connection: keep-alive +++GET 965+++ GET /modules/pictarea/pictarea.cfm?cfid=3883288&cftoken=95259904&picture=common/px_transparent.gif HTTP/1.0 Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/, application/, application/msword, */* Referer: Accept-Language: de-at User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) Host: Connection: keep-alive So obviously there are some Tokens we get after logging in. Now we have to find out how to get these tokens. They must be hidden somewhere in the HTML-Output of the login-page. The easiest way to dump the HTML-output is to use our sms-plugin. So create a directory "Gateway_testing" in your Miranda-Folder and move our nowly created .ini there. Then we go to the options-Dialog of the WebsMS-Plugin in Miranda. Under "General", "Path to gateway configuration files" we enter: .\Gateway_testing and click Rescan. There should be the message "1 Gateways found". Check the butons [X] Turn logging on and [X] Also log HTML output. Enter path and filename where the logfile should be generated. Click OK and open the "Send SMS.." dialog via the main menu. Enter some stuff there and click send. Open the logfile and search for "cfid", you find: pictarea.cfm?cfid=3860071&cftoken=35100743&picture=common ok, so we have to extract cfid and cftoken from this string. The CustomVar statements are used for this. You have to put the string to extract in brackets. for strings that are not fixed you can put a * as a joker character. So we add the following lines to our file so that the IDs are extracted from the output of Request 1: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CustomVar1=pictarea.cfm?cfid=(*)&cftoken CustomVar2=&cftoken=(*)&picture= -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, now we have cfid in CustomVar1 and cftoken in CustomVar2. Now we would insert the next GETs from the server from above. We should write requests for hidden_login.cfm and pictarea.cfm. This was what I initially did when I created the gateway configfile. Initially I had 9 Requests or something like that, but I then reduced them step by step and looked if it still works. So I found out that the hidden_login.cfm was not necessary to log in successfully. However if you intentionally make gateway configfiles, you will add a request for it too. It's done the similar way like pictarea.cfm, which I will describe here now: We see that it GETs /modules/pictarea/pictarea.cfm?cfid=3883288&cftoken=95259904&picture=common/px_transparent.gif from host Now this is a common trick used by many SMS-gateways. The make a transparent pixel which cannot be seen in browser but when this pixel is not being requested the Gateway won't let you use it. If you don't make this request, you will get a message that your username/ password is inalid in the next step. So let's form the next request in they same way we already know: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Request2] Type=GET URL=$CustomVar1&cftoken=$CustomVar2&picture=common/px_transparent.gif Referer= -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you see, we take cfid and cftoken from the CustomVars we extracted before. Now let's continue in the log. There are a lot of GETs until the next POST. They could be important to do the real login, but during testing it turned out that they aren't however, if you could not log in to your gateway properly, you may add them one by one and see if it works then. After it works you can reduce them again to find out which GETs are really necessary, as I already mentioned before. It requires quite some time to find out which Requests are necessary and which aren't. Now let's go onwards to the next POST: +++GET 974+++ POST /cassiopeia/NetCommunity?hidden:CFID=3883288&hidden:CFTOKEN=95259904&hidden:WEBROOT= HTTP/1.0 Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/, application/, application/msword, */* Referer: Accept-Language: de-at Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) Host: Content-Length: 70 Pragma: no-cache Connection: keep-alive Browser reload detected... Posting 70 bytes... service=login try=3 nh=0 module= frameset=no nick=YourUserName password=YourPassword Now it seems that the gateway does a second login itself to log you in to the cassiopeia Websystem. In fact, it does this automatically. POSTs are generally required to complete our task successfully, so let's see what it does: It gets /cassiopeia/NetCommunity?hidden:CFID=3883288&hidden:CFTOKEN=95259904&hidden:WEBROOT= from host and posts the lines listed above to the server. Now, the same procedure as every year ;) Let's form the request and put it to our file: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Request3] Type=POST URL=$CustomVar1&hidden:CFTOKEN=$CustomVar2&hidden:WEBROOT= PostString=service=login&try=3&nh=0&module=&frameset=no&nick=$User&password=$Pass Referer=$CustomVar1&cftoken=$CustomVar2&nick=$User&password=$Pass -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now there are lots of GETs until the next POST (the sending of our SMS) A few GETs include a Session ID. They could be important. There is one with notification, one with toolbox and one with KeepOnline in it. So the KeepOnline-requests don't seem to be so necessary as the plugin ususally does it's job quite quickly. It seems to be a url that is periodically fetches by the browser in order so the session doesn't time out. Skip it. Now the notification could be important. So we might add it. However my later reduction efforts showed that it was not necessary too. However the toolbox-thingy was required, otherwise we are user "false" for the SMS-gateway and have 0 SMS messages left. So where to get the session id? Same procedure as last time. It is contained in the result of the POST from the last Request. Let's use the WebSMS- Plugin with logging turned on to find out the HTML-output. We see that the programmer helped us by putting all required data as comment in the POST-result. We find the following line in the code: ok, so let's parse it using our well-known CustomVar thingy. However we cannot guarantee that these comments are not removed in the future so better look for the next pace the session id is in the file. We see, it's there:"","","toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,scrollbars=yes,status=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,width=550,height=480"); We add the following to our configfile to parse the Sessid: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CustomVar3=&sessionid=(*)&host= -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, now we have the ID in CustomVar3. We are able to form our toolbox request now: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Request4] ; Needed so that gateway knows us (otherwise we're user "false") Type=GET URL=$CustomVar1&cftoken=$CustomVar2&nick=$User&sessionid=$CustomVar3&area=4_1&id_topic=&id_posting= -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now let's look at the POST where we send the SMS: +++GET 1023+++ POST /modules/sms_senden/sms_senden_tr.cfm?cfid=3883288&cftoken=95259904 HTTP/1.0 Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/, application/, application/msword, */* Referer: Accept-Language: de-at Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) Host: Content-Length: 117 Pragma: no-cache Connection: keep-alive Browser reload detected... Posting 117 bytes... transaction=Gc5vfb3bSB adressen= netzvorwahl=4 nummer=1234567 friends= nickname= message=+dummy%21 count=142 x=41 y=8 Ok, so there seems to be a transaction key as an extra safeguard against users who want to abuse the gateway. This token is usually find on the HTML page where you can send the request to the server. Let's see, which page that could be (if in doubt, just go there with your browser and go to the properties of the frame, the browxser tells you the URL too): +++GET 1017+++ GET /modules/sms_senden/sms_senden.cfm?cfid=3883288&cftoken=95259904 HTTP/1.0 Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/, application/, application/msword, */* Referer: Accept-Language: de-at User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) Host: Connection: keep-alive +++CLOSE 1015+++ This one looks good. So let's implement it in our .ini: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Request5] ; Get SMS-Token Type=GET URL=$CustomVar1&cftoken=$CustomVar2 Referer=$CustomVar1&cftoken=$CustomVar2&area=2_0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now either you can use the "View page source" feature of your browser or use the standard procedure using the WebSMS-plugin to get the HTML- output. We find the following key in the HTML output: Now we can use the Key - Statement to extract this. The advantage of Key agains CustomVar is, that you don't neet a Parsestring to extract it. You just have to give the plugin the name of the key. The plugin automatically POSTs the extracted key in every POST-request you do, so you don't have to care about it any more as soon at it's extracted. Not that Key only works for input-fields () So let's add the following line: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Key1=transaction -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now we have the token and finally POST the request for sending the SMS to the server. Phew, it'S our finaly request. We form it the usual way... But wait! Let's analyse the Postdata... Damn, the Prefix (netwvorwahl) is the number of the selected entry in the Ok, we just have to map the prefix to the numbers given in "value". We add the following lines: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Request6] Type=POST URL=$CustomVar1&cftoken=$CustomVar2 Referer=$CustomVar1&cftoken=$CustomVar2 MapPrefix1=2 MapPrefix2=1 MapPrefix3=3 MapPrefix4=4 MapPrefix5=5 PostString=adressen=&netzvorwahl=$Prefix&nummer=$Number&friends=&nickname=&message=$Message&count=$Count&x=14&y=6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now T-Mobile gets Number 2, A1 gets number 1, ... Finally... we DID it! Test it by sending a SMS with the WebSMS-plugin, if it succeeds, you've not been successful, check the HTML-output in the log and find out what went wrong. If you succeeded, you usually have a lot of more GETs as I already mentioned before. Now you can start reducing your GETs to the minimum amout possible. Hopefully I was able to explain the creation of a .ini file a bit. Questions, comments, ...? or just post a message in the user comments of the plugin.